Written By Theatre Staff

March 26, 2019

How lucky are we? We have a tremendously talented cast now in rehearsal for the Pulitizer Prize winning play “SWEAT” by Lynn Nottage. Playing the role of “Tracey” is Camille Cooney (a return from “Social Security” show in the Fall 2018), “Cynthia” is Jessica Jones, “Jessie” is played by Venee Call- Ferrer, “Stan” is played by Chuck Schilling (from “The Nerd” and “Don’t Dress for Dinner”), and “Brucie” is played by George Simmons (from “Two Trains Running”). Newcomers to Benicia are the roles “Jason” played by Matt Goff, “Oscar” played by Tony Aldarondo, “Chris” played by Julius Rea, and “Evan” played by Dodie Katague. Nice!

Co-Directing honors go to familiar talents Clinton Vidal and Dan Clark (both ARTY winning folks). Our very capable Stage Manager is Jeff Sloan and the Asst Director is again Pat Macleod. Brian Hough is designing and constructing the stage set (taking place inside a Reading, Pennsylvania “neighborhood bar”). I am the costume designer (and set dresser) and the Backstage Crew and Prop mistress is Karyn DeSouza. We have prepared for this Big undertaking. We are so very proud to produce our second Lynn Nottage show, the first being “Intimate Apparel” to years ago. Several of the BOTTG members have seen the production of “Sweat” at both the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Oregon and the ACT production in SF recently. We (I believe) are the first community theatre in the Bay Area to produce this show.

The Board of Directors (Dan Clark, Pat Macleod, Me, Karyn DeSouza, Veronica Bearce, Donna Worthington, Brian Hough, Christina Strawbridge, and Natasha Harris) is excited to greet you at the theatre and welcomes new volunteers. We are proud to continue our DINNER and SHOW Deal at Venticello’s Ristorante.

Bring your group of 10 or more for reserved seating! (We open on April 19 with tickets online on March 1).

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