We open April 20 2018!

Written By Theatre Staff

April 9, 2018

We are so excited to open “Coming Apart” soon! Readings have begun and rehearsals will start in March. A tender romance with gifted actors- what more do you need? From Benicia, we have Natasha Harris (won Supporting actress Arty award for “Game’s Afoot’ last year- Best Comedy too!), Paul Hughes (won Lead Actor Arty award in “Games Afoot”), Adrian Deane (just closed “Animal Farm” production for Danville Role Players, and Chad Clevenger (you may have enjoyed his roles for Vallejo Shakespeare in The Park). Our director is Angelina LaBarre- how lucky are we?

Tickets will be available for purchase March 1- online or at the Benicia Chamber of Commerce. You want to get involved as a volunteer? we need bartenders, front desk staff, backstage staff, help with costumes, painting set, and set construction if you are talented in that way. More later on the benefits of being a part of the arts and culture of Benicia.

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